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If Everyone is Saying You Should Write A Book...

Has this ever happened to you:

— In a room full of family and friends, you hold everyone's attention with a story you've shared so many times before.

— As a guest speaker at a professional event, the talk you give is followed by a standing ovation and a long line of attendees eager to speak with you.

— Everywhere you go, people are always saying that you should write a book.

These people are certain that what you shared has the ability to touch, move and inspire so many others just as it did for them. While what they say may be true, writing a book because others think that you should isn't a good enough reason to write one.

If you're considering writing a book, the real question you need to ask yourself is this:

Do YOU think you should write a book?

Writing a book -- a quality book takes time. It doesn't have to take forever, but if you're a first-time author, it should take you a few months, but not a few years.

The thought of writing a book, especially when you have so much already going on in life, can be intimidating. Plus, if you're not a good writer, the dread of trying to write page after page is even worse.

Writing a book doesn't have to be so complicated as it seems. Especially if you know what you're doing. Yes, it does take some effort and brain power. But, if you're an accomplished professional, chances are you're no stranger to hard work. If you don't know how to do something, I'm confident you know how to find someone that does.

I've helped the busiest of entrepreneurs start and finish writing their books, you can get it done with less time and less effort than you think. Writing does not have to be the lonely, arduous journey nor does it requires a quiet lake house in the woods with a typewriter near the window (please let that fantasy go and we can get it done faster...)

There's a process and steps you can take to get your thoughts clear and your content organized BEFORE you begin to write. Doing so cuts the time to write and rewrite a book in half.

But even before doing that, it all starts with your mindset. There must be a certainty followed and compelling reasons for you to write a book.

Once you powerfully chose to write a book, the support, resources and knowledge you need shows up. There's one right now that's sending you emails with useful information.

In order to get your book done and get it done well, you must defeat your self doubt.

Leave no room for 'I think I want to' or 'maybe I should someday.'

Rather than think about writing a book I challenge you to take the next step:

STEP 1: Make a decision: Are you going to write a book or not? By when?

If you're a resounding YES and want to get it done sooner rather than later,

here's STEP 2: Click here to schedule a time for us to talk.


About Alicia N. Ingram

A hard-nosed, yet patient book editor and ghostwriter who's passionate about helping aspiring authors start AND finish their books. If you're serious about crafting a well-written book and are readying to go from idea to action, start by going to to download a free copy of 'Finally Get Your Book Done: A 5-Step Guide for Finding the Time, Focus and Consistency.'

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