What Michelle Obama Taught Me

A few days ago, I watched an excerpt from a recent speech by former first lady Michelle Obama. As usual, she was inspiring.
At a Chicago youth summit, she talked about the power of words and that by using our voice we can build or tear down other people. Her sentiments reminded me of why I'm passionate about purposeful writing and editing.
I believe that how we choose to communicate our thoughts and feelings, sets a tone for how we relate to ourselves and others. Therefore, we must be careful about what we say and even how we say it because, it will have consequences.
Although Michelle was talking specifically about how we use social media, her words can easily be applied to book writing as well. Yes, having a good grammar and spelling is essential. But, of equal importance is really thinking through what you say and how.
When writing a book for the purpose of building a brand, you must always be mindful that the reader is not simply some abstract "target audience member" that you want to buy your products or services. They are a person, a human being, who for some reason choses to give you, the author, their undivided attention in search of new information, insights or wisdom.
It's important that we honor such a gift by putting in the extra effort. Getting your thoughts crystal clear before you begin to write is the extra effort. When you do so, not only are your words more powerful and more intentional, writing becomes easier.
Michelle affirms that your voice matters to the world and so too the words you use to express yourself. So, get your thoughts clearer; strengthen your voice so that your writing positively and profoundly impacts your readers.
As always, I'm here to help. You can email me by clicking here
You can also view Michelle's speech excerpt by clicking here.

Alicia N. Ingram is a ghostwriter and book editor that helps aspiring authors start and finish their books. To receive more free information, inspiration and "The 5 Tips For Finally Getting Your Book Done" checklist, click here to sign up for the mailing list.