Re: That Book You've Been Meaning To Write...

You started writing and then you stopped.
Or maybe you've been thinking about it for a while, but now still isn't the right time.
You have a lot going on.
When you want to write, you're too busy or too tired.
Or are you scared of what will people think if you put it all out there...
But, what will people not say, not think, not do if you don't?
One day.
Not now.
If you're ready to set the excuses aside, I will help you:
Discover the root causes of your writer's block
Organize and outline your ideas
Create a writing schedule that you will stick to
As your writing partner, coach and editor, let's create your bestseller.
Right now, you can schedule a strategy session free of charge to FINALLY get Your Book Done, by clicking here.

Alicia N. Ingram is a ghostwriter and book editor that helps aspiring authors start and finish their books. To receive more free information, inspiration and "The 5 Tips For Finally Getting Your Book Done" checklist, click here to sign up for the mailing list.