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Adventures in Paris and in Writing

As selfie while I search for the Eiffel Tower that's somewhere in the area

Transferring trains to get from the airport to my hotel in Paris was a bit more complicated than I expected.

I had to stop several times to ask strangers for directions at the Metro stations.

Conversing in “franglish”, one woman pointed me to the left.

As I headed to the left, a man directed me to the right and then to the left after I go around the bend.


All the while, I dragged my luggage up the stairs and then back down the stairs to go in the right direction.

Eventually up onto the street and a few blocks away from the hotel, I still didn't have clue which direction to head on the four-way boulevard.

GoogleMaps had fallen into a re-routing coma quite sometime ago.


Fortunately, my Parisian friend Sergio who lived in the neighborhood, arrived to greet me so I didn't have to figure out anything else on my own. Together, we headed to my hotel to drop off my luggage before going to lunch.

With an expert guide, I was no longer stopping, starting and changing directions.

He helped me with my overpacked bags too!

The book writing process can be like a Paris excursion sometimes. As the author, you know the final destination. You even have pretty good directions (or so you think). But somehow along the way, you still get turned around. You could use some help to get back and stay on track.

Experts just telling you what to do doesn't always help. Implementation and action is key.

That’s why the “Get Your Book Done” program is designed to walk with you every step of the way - from start to finish.

As your coach, editor and accountability partner, I'll help you get to your destination of a well-crafted story.

If you’re serious about getting your book done, click here to schedule a free “Get Your Book Done” strategy session to discuss further.

Alicia N. Ingram is a ghostwriter and book editor that helps aspiring authors start and finish their books. To receive more free information, inspiration and "The 5 Tips For Finally Getting Your Book Done" checklist, click here to sign up for the mailing list.

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