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Getting Started & Next Steps​


50% due to begin work and remaining balance due prior to start of second round of editing or proofing. A 15% discount will be given to all payments made in full prior to start of work. 


Along with the invoice and payment link, you will also receive a Memo of Agreement outlining the agreed upon services and the terms below for your signature. A receipt and copy of the signed memo by both parties will be provided along with the remaining balance invoice following each payment. 



Once initial payment has been submitted and the agreed scope is signed, an initial conference phone or Skype call will be scheduled within 48 hours. During the first call, we will discuss the editing process, communications logistics, timing, deliverables, follow up calls to begin the book development or editing process. Please allow 30 to 45 minutes for our call. 



The draft manuscript will remain confidential and will be shared with individuals that have been authorized by you, The Author. The manuscript may only be shared with The Editor's editing partners on an as needed basis and will remain confidential under this existing agreement. Upon request by the client, The Editor will also sign NDA with additional confidentiality-related requests. Once final payment is submitted, all intellectual property added to the manuscript by The Editor (i.e. comments, additional text, edits) belong exclusively to The Author.


Let's begin the journey to getting your book done and getting it done well. 

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