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Advice For Writers Who Stopped Writing...

Writing is both a spiritual and mental exercise.

When you’re aligned, it seems like the words just flow from another realm and into your mind.

When you’re off your game, that’s usually when the writing stops.

Like exercise, you may not feel like doing it, but it’s good for you.

Clarity comes with time, focus and discipline. It comes with putting in the work of writing and rewriting.

If you’re waiting for the clarity to return, staying in action makes a world of difference.

Great authors know that have to keep writing despite the doubts, even when the spark isn’t there.

Staying in action opens up new avenues of inspiration and the guidance you need.

No matter what challenges you face when it comes to your writing goals, don't give up.

There are people you'll never meet in person who desperately need to read your words.

So, if today isn’t a thousand word day, make it a hundred word day.

If you're not be able to afford an editor or even a coach right now, that's ok.

Jump on a free training call like the one I’m hosting on July 9 and learn what it's going to take.

Keep pushing when things get heavy.

Keep writing when you don’t know what to write.

Inspiration will return. Clarity will reappear.

With every keystroke, every word, every sentence, even when you're unsure is how you get your book done.

P.S. For inspiration, clarity and direction, RSVP here for How To Write A Book That Builds Your Brand on July 9

Alicia N. Ingram is a ghostwriter and book editor that helps aspiring authors start AND finish their books. She is also the author of "Finally Get Your Book Done: A 5-Step Guide for Finding the Time, Focus and Consistency" To request a free copy, go to

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