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How I Sold My First Book Before It Was Written

In a room of about fifty people, I made my big announcement from the stage:

"In two weeks, I will be debuting my first e-book titled "Market Your Business in 8 Minutes a Day" and if you order your copy now...."

Fifteen minutes later, I had more than 500 dollars in sales for a book I had yet to write. Well, technically, I had 5 of 137 pages written -- I started and stopped a few times during the course of a year.

Was I nervous about delivering on my self-imposed and super public deadline?

A little, but having made the commitment, I was even more determined to finish my book that I knew people would buy it. With skin in the game and money literally on the table, I became hyper-focused on getting my book done and get it done well.

No. Matter. What.

I couldn't imagine having to give anyone's money back because I didn't do what I said I was going to do. Or having done it so poorly people were asking for a refund. Plus, I already spent the money. I used it as a downpayment to my editor. Third, my pride would not allow me to send an I'm sorry, it's going to be a bit longer email to dozens of prospective clients.

The heavy lifting to finish my book was completed months earlier so that by the time I sat down to write, the words just flowed. I rarely got stopped and if I did, I just shifted gears and drafted another section that was already meticulously outlined.

For me, the hard part wasn't the writing itself, it was getting my thoughts crystal clear and my wealth of expertise organized. I had to take time to narrow down my topic, figure out what ancedotes I would tell and where they would be placed. I outlined the supporing charts, graphs and worksheets that I would create.

The idea to finally finish my book came about months before the presentation when I had begun working with a coach on strategies to grow my business. I shared with her a longtime goal of mine: "I want to write and sell a book!" From there, my coach helped me refine my thoughts, thoroughly outline my book and package it for sales. I could have done it on my own, but it wouldn't have been as nearly as good as the final product turned out.

Before I started writing, I also hired an editor and proofreader so that they could review and refiine my work as I wrote rather than me getting overwhelmend with tons of revisions at the very end. I had a book cover designed that I posted on my website and printed off for my table exhibit at my presentation. I even cleared my schedule for two weeks following the presentation so, the only thing I had to do was write.

Lastly, I was passionate about what I was writing and excited about the possibilities which also fueled me.

Everyone's process for writing and publishing their book is different. I wouldn't reccommend that everyone do exactly as I did. But I share my experience because there are some fundamentals truths that can help anyone successfully start and finish that book they've been wanting to write:

  1. You have to firmly believe that what you have to share matters to many.

  2. Putting thoughts into words and then words in to action brings a vision into reality.

  3. Getting your thoughts clear and organized will make writing much easier

  4. It's important to identify and addres all challenges that stop you from reaching the finish line.

6. Having a great team in place to help you do you best and hold you accountable is essential

7. Always write about what you know with passion and purpose.

You have to do #1 for yourself. I'm not here to convince you to write a book. I'm here to help you once you decide. I can help you with items two through seven.

So if you're ready to talk about how to move from though to action, clicking here to schedule a conversation. We'll start with getting you clear and ready for writing.


Alicia N. Ingram is a ghostwriter and book editor that helps aspiring authors start and finish their books. To receive more free information, inspiration and "The 5 Tips For Finally Getting Your Book Done" checklist, click here to sign up for the mailing list..

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